Tuesday, January 11, 2011

We Hear We're in For a Snow Storm, So Why Not Shovel Out Your Closet?

Since tomorrow we might all be stuck at home because of the 17 inches of snow that is supposed to hit Boston, here's a tip from Habit: shovel out your closet, it is a great time to donate! Not only will you be starting the new year off with a good consciousness for giving to charity but you will also be beginning the year with a cleaner closet.

Step 1: Before starting your closet makeover make three piles: Donate, Trash, Alteration/Dry Clean

Step 2: Look through all of your tees and tanks, do you really need all 1.2 million of them? If you have white T-shirts that are very aged or stained and are no longer white or if you have black T-shirts that have been faded don't be afraid to toss them out. You can replace them with great T-shirts from Target starting at $7.

Step 3: Carefully go through your knits, if pilling, send them to dry cleaner to have them "shaved" or stop by Brookstone and pick up this handy device: Brookstone Fabric Shaver.
Thoroughly inspect your knits for any holes, if they are not salvageable, donate them. They can keep someone else warm.

Step 4: Try on your bottoms, do they fit? If not, throw them in the "Alteration" pile. If you no longer like the style or if they are dated and you don't think they are worth being altered, throw them in the "Donate" pile. 

Step 5: NO MORE WIRE HANGERS!!! They are terrible for your clothes. Our favorites are the Slim Line Hangers. They are velvet so your clothes will not slip off of them. Like their name says, they are also slim, giving you a bunch more closet space. 

Isn't indoor shoveling so much more fun than outdoor shoveling? Not to mention, it keeps you a lot warmer ;)

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